How does eating eggplant affect health?

Eggplant is a vegetable that few people like and even fewer people know about its benefits, hence it is neglected, while eggplant is low in calories and high in natural nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals. Numbers are often found.

Eggplant is eaten all over the world, including Asian countries, in Western countries it is mostly fried, eggplant can also be called a beauty-enhancing vegetable, while in Pakistan, eggplant is eaten with potatoes, arvi, meat or its filling. And used to make raita etc., this vegetable is available for 12 months, it has two varieties one is round and one is long.

Eggplant is a vegetable rich in numerous nutrients and antioxidant properties, eggplant has many disease-fighting properties while protecting against life-threatening diseases like cancer and other diseases.

According to nutritionists, eggplant contains phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B and C, vitamins B1, B6, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and dietary fiber, this vegetable can reduce high blood pressure and stress and diabetes. It helps in control.

Knowing the numerous positive health benefits of using eggplant, you too will surely be compelled to make this vegetable a part of your diet.

Eggplant is useful for reducing cholesterol

Eggplant is rich in fiber which helps in maintaining cholesterol levels, according to research the antioxidant and chlorgenic acid present in eggplant helps in reducing cholesterol levels and also prevents liver disease. Also reduces the risk, cholesterol patients are recommended by medical experts to consume more eggplant in the diet.

Useful for heart disease patients

Eggplant is also very useful for preventing heart diseases, the fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium and other antioxidants found in eggplant have the ability to prevent the risk of heart diseases. Improves blood circulation and also reduces the increased level of cholesterol, so if you want to be protected from heart diseases, you must include eggplant in your diet.

Excellent remedy for phlegm

Eggplant curry is a useful food for people suffering from phlegm, eggplant is said to be the enemy of phlegm.

Balances sugar levels

Eggplants are rich in fiber and polyphenols, both of which are helpful in reducing blood sugar levels. Must be used.

Vegetables useful for preventing cancer

Eggplant also has anti-cancer properties, Eggplant protects the body from life-threatening diseases like cancer and if one gets cancer, it also prevents the recurrence of the disease.


Eggplant is a constipating vegetable, it removes gas and acidity in the stomach, eggplant helps in the secretion of gastric secretions, so the consumption of eggplant increases appetite.

Precautions related to Eggplant

According to nutritionists, eggplant is a diuretic vegetable and its excessive consumption creates heat in the blood.

According to nutritionists, people who have dryness in the body, lack of sleep and complaints of hemorrhoids should not include eggplant vegetable in their diet.

The use of brinjal is strictly prohibited by nutritionists in all types of fever. 

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