Do You Know How Beneficial the Japanese Fruit 'Kumquat' Is?


The delicious orange Japanese fruit kumquat, enjoyed by many during the winter, has numerous benefits that will surely make those who don't like this fruit start eating it after knowing its advantages.

According to the American website 'Healthline,' nutritionist Jillian Kubala states that 168 grams of this nutrient-rich Japanese fruit contains 118 calories, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 3.0 grams of fat, and 6 grams of fiber. Additionally, it provides 55% of Vitamin A, 22% of Vitamin C, 6% of Vitamin E, 5% of Vitamin K, 8% of Vitamin B6, 8% of potassium, 9% of copper, and 30% of magnesium.

Nutrition experts also note that kumquat contains thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), as well as folic acid and phosphorus.

According to experts, due to its low-calorie content, this fruit is also helpful in weight loss, making it a good option for dieters who want to meet their mineral and vitamin needs.

It is also an antioxidant fruit, helping to protect against many diseases, eliminate waste from the body, and prevent heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and mental stress.

This fruit is beneficial for people with diabetes; research conducted on 37,000 individuals shows that the presence of beta-carotene in this Japanese fruit reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Kumquat can also be consumed during light hunger in the evening. It can be eaten sliced with savory or sweet porridge. You can also microwave it for a few minutes and drizzle honey over it to serve as a dessert for guests.

In breakfast, it is mixed with yogurt, making one feel refreshed. It can also be frozen to make a smoothie that helps prevent fatigue from exercising when consumed beforehand.

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