Lemon, commonly known as "Neembu" in everyday language, is an essential part of every kitchen, widely used for enhancing the flavor of dishes and preparing beverages. But lemons are far more useful than that. How so? Take a look:
Asthma Treatment
If you drink just two tablespoons of lemon juice daily before meals, it can significantly reduce the severity of asthma. Drinking the same amount of lemon juice before bedtime is even more beneficial for asthma patients.
Removing Stains
When it comes to cleaning stains, lemon has no equal. This is why many cleaning products for clothes and dishes include lemon components for better cleaning. If you have a stain on your clothing, rub half a lemon on the stain thoroughly and leave it overnight. In the morning, when you wash it, the stain will be gone.
Eliminating Harmful Chemicals
Fruits and vegetables from the market often have harmful chemicals sprayed on them to preserve them for longer periods, which can't be removed just by washing with water. To clean them, take one tablespoon of lemon juice, apply it to the fruits/vegetables, and leave it for a while. After washing with water, these harmful chemicals will be washed away.
Kitchen Protector
Before cleaning kitchen counters and cutting boards, rub a cut lemon on them. This will not only clean them but also eliminate germs.
Restoring Freshness
If the salad leaves or leafy vegetables in your refrigerator are starting to wilt, squeeze half a lemon into a bowl of cold water and soak the wilting leaves in the solution. Place them back in the refrigerator for an hour, and their freshness will be restored. Before using them, rinse with clean water and let them dry for a while. You will notice a fresh taste and aroma.
Odor-Free Refrigerator
Many women complain about unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Lemon can help here too. Simply place lemon peels in the refrigerator overnight. If you want to prevent odors entirely, keep cut lemons in the fridge at all times, replacing them with fresh ones every week or ten days.
Repelling Insects
Lemon's scent can also repel insects. To stop ants, cockroaches, and other pests from entering your home, place cut lemons near doors, windows, wall cracks, and anywhere else where insects might enter.
Shining Brass and Copper
Using lemon to polish brass and copper utensils is a very old remedy. Lemon juice not only cleans accumulated grime but also restores their natural shine.
Whitening Vegetables
If you want white vegetables (such as turnips and radishes) to retain their bright white color while cooking, sprinkle a teaspoon of lemon juice on them before cooking (while still cold).
Removing Stubborn Stains
Cleaning stubborn stains inside a pressure cooker or metal kettle can be very difficult. To clean these stains, first fill the kettle/pressure cooker with water and add a generous amount of thin lemon peels. Heat until the water boils. After a short while, remove the kettle/pressure cooker from the heat and let it cool. Pour out the lemon water and wash the utensil with plain water. It will look brand new and shiny.